Surfing in Switzerland

Surfing as the main sport in Switzerland?

How do you even get to choose a sport that you can't do in your own country? Funnily enough, this is rarely a conscious decision, but you try it once and then stick with it. But since the nearest sea is so far away, you can quickly find alternatives to classic surfing to practice the beloved sport in this country.

SUP / stand up paddling

What would actually be intended for the sea can also be practiced on lakes/rivers. Flat-water stand-up paddling is extremely popular in Switzerland and serves as a balance to the otherwise hectic everyday life. Even here there are different variations; some do yoga on the SUP, others go on tours or surf on small standing waves in rivers. Of course you can also surf in the sea with the SUPs.

When it comes to SUP boards, most manufacturers essentially have 3 different models: the 9'6 Allround for women, the 10'6 Allround for men and a 12'6 Touring for longer distances. The longer the board, the smaller the water resistance. The right SUP is therefore dependent on body weight and the area of ​​use.

The manufacturers also offer the boards in two different designs: either as an inflatable board or as a rigid board, mostly made of epoxy. If you don't paddle straight competition courses or don't have direct access to the lake, we always recommend the inflatable SUPs. These are much easier to handle, break less quickly and you can, for example, paddle down a river and take public transport back. Here is an overview of the SUP boards

River Surf / River Surfing - the eternal wave

Probably the best-known wave in Switzerland for river surfing can be found in Bremgarten. The water runs over a small sill, fast water meets slow water and the standing wave is complete.

In addition to the Bremgarten, there are other river waves that work depending on the amount of water discharged. So it's worth exploring the flowing waters and maybe you'll discover one or the other river wave that is not yet so well known.

In addition, various river wave associations are campaigning for such a wave to be built in their city. At the same time, this would also have the advantage that you could surf all year round, regardless of the flow rate.

City Wave - the artificial river wave

An artificial wave has been touring Switzerland since 2015, making stops at various locations in Switzerland each summer. The Eisbach river wave from Germany served as a template for the wave and was reproduced insofar as it can now be set up mobile. In contrast to the Flowrider, you can surf here with an ordinary surfboard (including fins). The width of the wave is variable and there are already several systems in Switzerland. Urbansurf operates such a wave throughout the summer in Zurich. Oana even all year round in the Mall of Switzerland in Ebikon.

Bungee surfing

Bungee surfing has been around for quite some time as a way to surf the river. A bungee cord is attached to a bridge and the surfer tightens the cord by drifting downriver and using the surfboard to block the water. As soon as he reduces the surfboard's attack surface, it's off. The result is incredible acceleration that shoots dozens of meters out of the river.

upstream surfing

In 2015, a resourceful inventor developed a pulley system with which a surfer can be pulled up the river up to 300m. On one side is a surfer holding on to a rope, on the other side is a sail that floats downstream and pulls the surfer up the river through multiple gears. Sounds complicated, but it's a relatively simple principle and a clever idea to take advantage of the flow speed

Street Surfing - riding waves on the asphalt

Something surprisingly close to surfing because the movement affinity is effectively there. Surfing on the pavement is a valid training method to improve surfing in the sea. There are now various manufacturers of surf skates and we have tested them all. In our opinion, there are two manufacturers that are swinging out above: Carver and Smoothstar Skateboards.