Valerio Rossi

Valerio Rossi doubts

Valerio is a real waterman and jack of all trades on all waves. Ten years ago he showed up at our surf shop for the first time with no idea and is now a solid big wave surfer with a lot of courage and commitment. He loves life, surfs every now and then, has a cheerful nature and sometimes shoots himself in the hand with a harpoon. Nice to have him on the team now! Be welcome.

Vintage : 1999

Profession : aspiring apprentice

Hometown : Zurich

Hobbies : Surfing, big wave surfing, wind surfing, pump foiling, spear fishing, reading, fitness, standup paddle, endurance training, eating a lot :)

Stance : Goofy

Boardsports : Ocean Surfing / Wavepool / Wakesurf / Skateboard / Surfskate / Snowboard

Homespot : Lacona, Il Cantone, Elba Island

Favorite Destinations : Nazaré

Surfboards :

Love : my nonna, my family, girl, food, surfboard

Hate : kookeria, people who hate other people, stupid people


Tell us something briefly about yourself.

My name is Valerio, I'm 24 years old (January 28, 1999) and I grew up half in Zurich and half on the island of Elba. I am a student at PHZH to become a primary teacher. I live for big wave surfing, even if I can have fun all day with 20cm waves.

How did you become passionate about surfing?

I got into surfing through the movie THE BIG WEDNESDAY. I saw the film for the first time when I was 13 and a short time later, at home in Elba, I surfed my first wave on December 24th with 3 old short neurons on top of each other and a 3 meter long windsurf board from the 70s/80s. From there it started. My goal was clear after the film. I wanted to surf the biggest and most beautiful waves. My Nonno took me to catch squid underwater when I was 3 years old. I grew up half in the Mediterranean and have had a close relationship with the sea since I was a child.

How long have you been surfing?

For about 11 years.

What fascinates you about surfing/why do you do it?

I didn't realize it when I started, but surfing gave my life meaning. I base everything on it, my training, my travels…etc…

Becoming one with the element of water, especially in a thick tube, is indescribable. I haven't had very many so far, but the ones I've surfed are all engraved in my head and they gave me the most intense moments of my life. I also feel most comfortable by the sea and especially in the water itself, be it surfing, snorkeling, spearfishing, sailing etc...

You can only choose one place to surf for the rest of your life. Which place would that be and why?

I would take Nazaré as this place is magical, it works with half a meter and the scale goes up to 30 meters and you can still surf the waves. If I had to go by my heart, I would still choose Elba because that's where I'm at home.

What or who is your biggest inspiration when it comes to surfing?

Kaluhiokalani Buttons is the first person that comes to mind when I ask this question, for me he was the master of style, he could ride switch just as well and was damn creative on the waves. Then of course all the big wave surfers I've gotten to know so far come to mind (Antonio Silva, Marcio Freire Maddog, Joao Macedo, Vinicus Dosantos, Natxo Gonzales...etc..) When it comes to normal surfing, I really like Mike February and Rob Machado .

One of your favorite surfers

Kaluhiokalani Buttons, Greg Noll

Which boards do you prefer for surfing?

For the high waves guns, for tubes step ups, for long not strong waves fishboard with a lot of volume, in general I like boards with a lot of volume.

How does it feel to be a Surfari team rider?

Fantastic, bombastic, mega awesome. I bought my first real surfboard from Surfari as a child and now being on the team makes me proud.

Can we talk about a surfing scene in Switzerland? If so, are you active or passive in a club?

I would say yes, even if I'm not particularly involved in the Swiss surfing scene. I have a few friends who live here and also surf and sometimes we go on surf trips together, but I'm actually more into the Italian surfing scene.

What has been your biggest surfing challenge so far?

Preparing for Nazaré was a big challenge. Then of course crossing the Nazaré shorebreak with a gun is one of the most strenuous things I've done so far. Another very big challenge was to surf a really nice tube in Italy and make it out, which I finally managed to do this year. Something else comes to mind: I once tried to paddle out in Levanto (Liguria) during a storm. The current was so strong and the waves were very high for Italy that I had 45 minutes before I was out in the lineup.

What is your favorite surfing adventure? Describe an anecdote from a surfing trip.

I've had several nice surfing adventures so far. But one of the best was in February this year. I was traveling in Portugal with two friends for 18 days. The forecast showed a big swell that was supposed to come in on a Wednesday. That's how it happened. Me and my friend Giovanni Evangelisti paddled 40 minutes from the village of Nazaré around the lighthouse to Praia do Norte. The water was steel blue and the waves were 20-25 feet high, the tallest perhaps even higher. The wind came as a breeze from the land and it was sunny. Both of us paddled into the biggest wave of our lives so far. I also got hit on the head by a wave and the wipeout was harder than ever. Nevertheless, I managed to stay calm, which showed that the training had achieved something.

Is there a surf culture for you? If so, how would you describe them?

I don't particularly like the normal surfing culture that I've experienced so far, there are too many surfers who take the whole thing too seriously, are uncomfortable in the water and don't help each other. I experienced it differently in the big waves, where most people are nice to each other, they help each other and it feels like a brotherhood. Maybe it's because when the waves are big, the surfers are just happy to have made it into the lineup in one piece.

Or to rephrase: Are there any stereotypes in the surfing world about surfing or surfers for you?

As mentioned above, on the one hand, there are a lot of unpleasant people. On the other hand, I have to say that in no other community have I met as many fun-loving, nice, friendly and supportive people as in the surfing community.