Overview of the technology of surfing facilities in 2024

Surf parks are man-made facilities that provide surfers with consistent and controllable conditions, regardless of weather and tides. There are different types of surf parks that differ in technology, wave quality, size and offering. Here are some comparison points for existing surf parks:

Wave technology:

Pump-controlled waves: These parks use pumps to create waves. They are often less powerful but more cost-effective to operate. Example of a pump-controlled system: Wadi Adventure Park in Al-Ain.

Wadi Adventure Park in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates uses unique surfing technology to create artificial waves. This system is based on a network of high-performance pumps and valves that pump water into a large basin to create waves of different sizes and shapes. The technology allows wave characteristics such as height, length and strength to be varied, which suits both beginners and advanced surfers. The park offers a controlled environment that allows surfing in a desert region, which would otherwise be impossible due to the natural conditions.

Static waves: Systems like Urbansurf's imitate a static river wave. The natural model is the Eisbachwelle in Munich. Citywave is a technology that creates artificial standing waves for surfing, based on the principle of the river wave. It uses an adjustable system that pumps water over an inclined surface, creating a steady, stationary wave. The wave stands in place and runs indefinitely.

The intensity and height of the wave can be adjusted to suit different skill levels, from beginners to advanced surfers. This technology allows surfing in a relatively small basin, making it ideal for urban environments or places without access to natural surfing conditions. This type of wave generation makes it possible to provide consistent wave quality over long periods of time.

Plate controlled systems: They use large, moving plates to create waves. This technique can produce larger and higher quality waves. The Wavegarden technology which is used, for example, in Alaia Bay. is based on this principle.

Wavegarden is a leading technology in the generation of artificial surfing waves and is based on a hydrodynamic wave generation system. The core of the technology is a movable slider that is moved through a large pool of water, creating waves that spread along the entire length of the pool. These waves are adjustable in size and shape, making them suitable for both beginners and professional surfers. Wavegarden facilities are typically large in area and provide a realistic surfing environment, making them a popular choice for surf parks worldwide. The technology is also geared towards sustainability, with a focus on energy efficiency and minimal impact on the environment.